Media Press – APO bulletin (01)/08/2019

In August 2019, the first monthly newsletter of the Academy of Patient Organizations (APO) was published.

The Academy of Patient Organizations which we are a member of, is an educational and development project designed for Czech patients organisations. Its pursuit is resolution of main problems and provision of better understanding of patients’s rights, needs and obligations.We are pleased that the first magazine issue published the article about our project was published.

“We are not different!“

Our friend Martin alias Buč Lee has realized a simple but brilliant idea. He helps us share our idea ASGENT personally. In the current global world, we often perceive only stories from our closest neighborhood. And because most of us go to work every day, he just started there and organized a fundraising among his colleagues. Many THANKS from all of us! Your project “We are not indifferent!” is a great inspiration.